History Package

Covering our publications in History from medieval times to the fall of communism, the list illuminates the diverse and specific historical changes and developments of the Central and Eastern European regions with a view to support better current understanding and dialogue. This package is ideal for libraries with a focus on an interdisciplinary collection, supporting a wide range of researchers with in-depth literature. Titles are grouped by historical phase to create a representational resource. Audiences: students, researchers, lecturers. Contains titles with reading-list potential.

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 The books in this package are shown below, or you can click on this icon to download the list of titles, authors, ISBN and year of publication in .xls format.

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Tier Band 2023 2024 2025 2026
Small 0-5,000 FTE €350 / £200 / $425 €368 / £315 / $446 €386 / £331 / $468€405 / £348 / $491
Medium 5,001-9,999 FTE €800 / £700 / $950 €840 / £735 / $998 €882 / £772 / $1048€926 / £811 / $1101
Large 10,000 FTE + €1200 / £1000 / $1425 €1260 / £1050 / $1496 €1323 / £1103 / $1571€1389 / £1158 / $1650

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From the Middle Ages to the Renaissance

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Aurell, Martin, The Lettered Knight: Knowledge and Aristocratic Behaviour in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, 2017, 9789633861080

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Bak, János, and László Veszprémy, eds. The Illuminated Chronicle: Chronicle of the Deeds of the Hungarians from the Fourteenth-Century Illuminated Codex, 2018, 9789633862650

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Burke, Peter, Hybrid Renaissance: Culture, Language, Architecture, 2016, 9789633860885

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Cameron, Averil, Arguing it Out: Discussion in Twelfth-Century Byzantium, 2016, 9789633861127

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Csepregi, Ildikó, Gábor Klaniczay, and Bence Péterfi, eds., The Oldest Legend: Acts of the Canonization Process, and Miracles of Saint Margaret of Hungary, 2018, 9789633862193

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Jaritz, Gerhard, ed., Angels, Devils: The Supernatural and Its Visual Representation, 2011, 9786155053238

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Pesthy-Simon, Monika, Isaac, Iphigeneia, and Ignatius: Martyrdom and Human Sacrifice, 2017, 9789633861646

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Sághy, Marianne, and Robert G. Ousterhout, eds., Piroska and the Pantokrator: Dynastic Memory, Healing and Salvation in Komnenian Constantinople, 2019, 9789633862971

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Sághy, Marianne, and Edward M. Schoolman, eds., Pagans and Christians in the Late Roman Empire: New Evidence, New Approaches (4th–8th centuries), 2017, 9789633862568

From the early modern era to the 19th century

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Berger, Stefan, and Alexei Miller, eds., Nationalizing Empires, 2015, 9789633860175

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Birnbaum, Marianna D., and Marcell Sebők, eds., Practices of Coexistence: Constructions of the Other in Early Modern Perceptions, 2017, 9789633861882

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Cvetkovski, Roland, and Alexis Hofmeister, eds., An Empire of Others: Creating Ethnographic Knowledge in Imperial Russia and the USSR, 2014, 9786155225772

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Cybriwsky, Roman Adrian, Along Ukraine's River: A Social and Environmental History of the Dnipro, 2018, 9789633862056

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de Haan, Francisca, Krassimira Daskalova, and Anna Loutfi, eds., Biographical Dictionary of Women's Movements and Feminisms: Central, Eastern, and South Eastern Europe, 19th and 20th Centuries, 2006, 9786155053726

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Dimou, Augusta, Entangled Paths Toward Modernity: Contextualizing Socialism and Nationalism in the Balkans, 2009, 9786155211676

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Miller, Alexei, Ukrainian Question: Russian Empire and Nationalism in the 19th Century, 2003, 9786155211188

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Mirkova, Anna M., Muslim Land, Christian Labor: Transforming Ottoman Imperial Subjects into Bulgarian National Citizens, c. 1878-1939, 2017, 9789633861622

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Shore, Paul J., Narratives of Adversity: Jesuits on the Eastern Peripheries of the Habsburg Realms (1640–1773), 2012, 9786155053481

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Swan, Oscar E., ed., Customs and Culture in Poland under the Last Saxon King: The major texts of Opis obyczajów za panowania Augusta III Description of customs during the reign of August III by Jędrzej Kitowicz, 2019, 9789633862766

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Trencsényi, Balázs, and Michal Kopecek, eds., National Romanticism: The Formation of National Movements, 2007, 9786155211249

The first half of the 20th century

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Berger, Stefan, and Thomas Fetzer, eds., Nationalism and the Economy: Explorations into a Neglected Relationship, 2019, 9789633861998

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Berglund, Bruce R., and Brian Porter-Szucs, eds., Christianity and Modernity in Eastern Europe, 2010, 9786155211829

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Braham, Randolph L., and András Kovács, eds., The Holocaust in Hungary: Seventy Years Later, 2016, 9789633861738

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Cassata, Francesco, Building the New Man: Eugenics, Racial Science and Genetics in Twentieth-Century Italy, 2011, 9789639776890

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Dragostinova, Theodora, and Yana Hashamova, eds., Beyond Mosque, Church, and State: Alternative Narratives of the Nation in the Balkans, 2016, 9789633861356

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Ersoy, Ahmet, Maciej Górny, and Vangelis Kechriotis, eds., Modernism: Representations of National Culture, 2010, 9786155211942

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Ersoy, Ahmet, Maciej Górny, and Vangelis Kechriotis, eds., Modernism: The Creation of Nation-States, 2010, 9786155211935

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Gardikas, Katerina, Landscapes of Disease: Malaria in Modern Greece, 2018, 9789633861912

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Bernasconi, Sara, Heike Karge and Friederike Kind-Kovács, eds., From the Midwife's Bag to the Patient's File: Public Health in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, 2018, 9789633862094

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Miller, Burton Richard, Rural Unrest during the First Russian Revolution: Kursk Province, 1905–1906, 2013, 9786155225505

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Mishkova, Diana, Marius Turda and Balazs Trencsenyi, eds., Anti-modernism: Radical Revisions of Collective Identity, 2014, 9789633860953

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Neumann, Victor, and Armin Heinen, eds., Key Concepts of Romanian History: Alternative Approaches to Socio-Political Languages, 2013, 9786155225581

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Promitzer, Christian, Sevasti Trubeta, and Marius Turda, eds., Health, Hygiene and Eugenics in Southeastern Europe to 1945, 2011, 9789639776883

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Reill, Peter Hanns, and Balázs A. Szelényi, eds., Cores, Peripheries, and Globalization, 2011, 9786155053030

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Turda, Marius, and Paul Weindling, eds., Blood and Homeland: Eugenics and Racial Nationalism in Central and Southeast Europe, 1900-1940, 2006, 9786155211041

Communism and Cold War

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Iordachi, Constantin, and Arnd Bauerkämper, eds., The Collectivization of Agriculture in Communist Eastern Europe: Comparison and Entanglements, 2014, 9789633860489

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Bekes, Csaba, Laszlo Borhi, Peter Ruggenthaler, and Ottmar Trasca, eds., Soviet Occupation of Romania, Hungary, and Austria 1944/45–1948/49, 2015, 9789633860762

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Carlbäck, Helene, Yulia Gradskova and Zhanna Kravchenko, eds., And They Lived Happily Ever After: Norms and Everyday Practices of Family and Parenthood in Russia and Eastern Europe, 2012, 9786155053597

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Dronin, Nikolai M., and Edward G. Bellinger, eds., Climate Dependence and Food Problems in Russia, 1900–1990: The Interaction of Climate and Agricultural Policy and Their Effect on Food Problems, 2006, 9786155053689

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Hinrikus, Rutt, and Tiina Kirss, eds., Estonian Life Stories, 2009, 9786155211751

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Iordachi, Constantin, and Dorin Dobrincu, eds., Transforming Peasants, Property and Power: The Collectivization of Agriculture in Romania, 1949–1962, 2009, 9786155211720

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Johnson, A. Ross, and R. Eugene Parta, eds., Cold War Broadcasting: Impact on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 2010, 9786155211904

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Krastev, Ivan, and Alan McPherson, eds., The Anti-American Century, 2007, 9786155211096

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Paczkowski, Andrzej, and Malcolm Byrne, eds., From Solidarity to Martial Law: The Polish Crisis of 1980–1981, 2007, 9786155211157

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Polian, Pavel, Against Their Will: The History and Geography of Forced Migrations in the USSR, 2003, 9786155053832

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Reisch, Alfred A., Hot Books in the Cold War: The CIA-Funded Secret Western Book Distribution Program Behind the Iron Curtain, 2013, 9786155225352

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Smilovitsky, Leonid, Jewish Life in Belarus: The Final Decade of the Stalin Regime, 1944-1953, 2014, 9789633860267

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Tismaneanu, Vladimir, ed., Promises of 1968: Crisis, Illusion and Utopia, 2010, 9786155053061

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Tismaneanu, Vladimir, and Bogdan C. Iacob, eds., Ideological Storms: Intellectuals, Dictators, and the Totalitarian Temptation, 2019, 9789633863046

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Vučetić, Radina, Coca-Cola Socialism: Americanization of Yugoslav Culture in the Sixties, 2018, 9789633862018

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